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Les dejo una breve seleccion de libros para exploracion fisica y propedeutica. este libro me gusto mucho es una edicion muy reciente, su ficha es:

Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, 5th edition
History and Examination With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
By Mark H. Swartz, MD, FACP, Professor of Medicine, State University of New York (SUNY), Downstate College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, New York College of Podiatric Medicine, New York, NY
ISBN 141600307X · Book/Electronic Media · 928 Pages · 993 Illustrations
Saunders · Published November 2005

I. The Art of Interviewing
1. The Interviewer’s Questions
2. The Patient’s Responses
3. Caring for Patients in a Culturally Diverse Society
4. Understanding Complementary and Alternative Medicine
5. Assessment of Nutritional Status
6. Putting the History Together
II. The Science of the Physical Examination
7. The Physical Examination
8. The Skin
9. The Head and Neck
10. The Eye
11. The Ear and Nose
12. The Oral Cavity and Pharynx
13. The Chest
14. The Heart
15. The Peripheral Vascular System
16. The Breast
17. The Abdomen
18. Male Genitalia and Hernias
19. Female Genitalia
20. The Musculoskeletal System
21. The Nervous System
22. Putting the Examination Together
III. Evaluation of Specific Patients
23. The Pregnant Patient
24. The Pediatric Patient
25. The Geriatric Patient
26. The Acutely Ill Patient
IV. Putting the Data to Work
27. Diagnostic Reasoning in Physical Diagnosis
28. The Clinical Record
Appendix A. Commonly Abused Drugs
Appendix B. Signs and Symptoms in Deficiency States
Appendix C. Conversion Tables

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