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Autores: Ragavendra Baliga, MD, MBA, FACC, FRCP, Director, Section of Cardiovascular Medicine at OSU East University Hospital, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, Ohio State University, University Hospital East
Descripcion Una excelente opcion , para repasar fisiopatologia, en esta ultima semana de examenes, es el texto mas simple que he encontradola serie por demas me encanto, en esta edicion vienen los siguientes contenidos: The Patient Presents With 1. Chest Pain 2. Shortness of Breath 3. Palpitations 4. Heart Murmurs 5. Cough and Hemoptysis 6. Fever of Unknown Origin 7. Hematemesis and Melena 8. Change in Bowel Habit 9. Weight Loss 10. Jaundice 11. Abdominal Pain 12. Polyuria and Polydipsia 13. Hematuria and Proteinuria 14. Hypertension 15. Headache and Facial Pain 16. Joint Disease 17. Skin Rashes 18. Loss of Consciousness 19. Confusional States 20. Acute Neurological Deficit 21. Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly 22. Sensory and Motor Neurological Deficits 23. Bruising and Bleeding 24. Vertigo and Dizziness 25. Anemia History, Examination, and Common Investigations 26. Taking a History 27. Examination of the Patient 28. The Internal Medicine Clerkship 29. Common Investigations Diseases and Disorders 30. Cardiovascular System 31. Respiratory Disease 32. Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease 33. Genitourinary System 34. Central Nervous System 35. Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders 36. Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders 37. Hematologic Disorders 38. Infectious Diseases 39. Drug Overdose Self Assessment USMLE Questions
Detalles de su bibliografia | CHM, 448 paginas, fecha de publicacion: DIC-2005 ISBN-13: 978-0-323-03565-1 ISBN-10: 0-323-03565-5 Impreso por: MOSBY/ELSEVIER | | |
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